I know you've been waiting on pins and needles for the second installment of our weekend-so here it is....
On Sunday, we went to church minus one child who had spent the night at a friend's house and went to church with her. That was a first (going to someone else's church without us) but yet again, I am reminded that they grow up so fast!
After rushing home and gobbling up lunch, we headed out the door again to see yet another niece and nephew in the local theater's production of "The Little Mermaid". My niece (Justine) was a "toady" and my nephew (Jared) a sailor. So cute! They both did a terrific job and the play was lots of fun, especially for Mator who wanted her picture taken with every character!
Here is Jared looking like a thoughtful sailor...Justine is the "toady" on the left...
After the show there were autographs and Mator was ready to give Justine her flowers...
The sea witch had fantastic makeup and happened to be very good with the kids too...Here is our toady, Justine, up close...
After this production we headed out to dinner and ice cream to celebrate all of our thespians. And then back to church for the final night of our Easter Cantata. This is a mix of music and drama to bring the Easter story to life. And it is very realistic. Last year (Doodle's first) my then five year old had quite a difficult time with the beating and crucifixion of Christ. I debated whether I should take her out of the sanctuary or not but I finally realized that if she missed the ending part-the resurrection-then she would miss the most important part. Lots of people died on crosses during the Roman's rule-but only one was raised from the dead. That's why we worship Him.
This year she was as "prepared" as she could be but it was still hard for her to sit through parts of it. But then again, shouldn't we all be troubled by the sight of our Savior suffering for us? Doodle's response serves to remind me of the purpose of reliving this difficult time in the life of Christ every Easter, and more often than that! We need to be reminded of the price of our sin as both a deterrent and a reminder of God's grace.
we do it all for the before and after....!
7 hours ago
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